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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 21, 2023

Platforms Played


I'm giving it an extra half point only because of the visuals.

It's still the same basic beat em' up experience from the last one, but this one felt worse, the enemy placement and patterns are even more unforgiving, your own movements are so slow and stiff compared to them that it gets more and more frustrating, especially knowing that if only the reaction time between animations was slightly better this game could be more bearable.

There's also the fact that a lot things feel lazier, there's even less enemy variety and the traps are just... there.

I wish this played better, I wish I liked this more, the bosses look fantastic and the game is still a homage to the gory horror and slasher movies that I like so much, but the cheap things that I can forgive from those movies and even elevate them for me do not save this game at all.