You start the game with a little bit of context for why you decided to take this job away from where you normally live. Once you arrive in this beautiful area with nature, you stay in touch with your boss who tells you what needs to be done everyday. This was supposed to be the plan but things took an unexpected turn. You then try to make sense of it all. This is pretty much the plot without spoiling things. The voice actors were fantastic along with the dialogues that were totally natural. It was always interesting hearing what everyone had to say and my interest was kept almost the entire time. Though I ended up being a bit disappointed by the conclusion. I expected more and it could have ended in a more exciting way.

The gameplay is exploring a big area with some optional minor things to do but it’s mostly going from A to B, continue with the story and then being told where to go next. There is some climbing, cutting trees, picking dialogue choices and you can take pictures with the camera you find. What the game does so well is the map you have along with the compass. The map is like a real map, you can still get lost and you’re trying to follow directions. Kind of like the old days when there were no apps to help with routes and you had to do it the old fashioned way with a real map while driving a car. The map was the interesting part and kept things adventurous.

The game felt more like a 5 hour long movie and less like a game. I would have liked some more gameplay/depth. My overall experience is neutral. It has some very strong elements but I’m left a bit ‘meh’ after completing it. I’m not sure if it’s because my expectations were too high for hearing so many good things about it or I’m just not a huge fan of this style. All I know is I wouldn’t have been happy if I paid €20 or even €10 even though I can totally see the work and effort put into it. I’m so glad I got the game for €2 with the recent steam sale. Up to €5 is worth it if you share my perspective. If the game costs more than that then you’ll have to be totally into that kind of style and know what you’re getting yourself into.

Reviewed on Jan 17, 2024
