Okay so this game isn't that bad but it definitely has major flaws that make this game very annoying. This game graphically is cool, and the controls are super great, movement is awesome in this game. I like playing as a Belmont for a Metroidvania style game, and I think it works. Even if Juste isn't the coolest Belmont I still like him and his story, it works.

What doesn't work is the god awful map. The map here is the worst in any Metroidvania, it just is confusing. I swear there's like 3 warps in the whole map, navigating is impossible. It doesn't really help that this game is also easy, like there are no hard enemies and the bosses are the easiest in any Castlevania game. It made me stop playing the Castlevania games for a long time, it put me at a wall because I felt I needed to finish this one before playing the DS ones, and I just didn't have the desire. I don't think this game is worse than Circle of the Moon, I think it's a lot more interesting, but Aria of Sorrow is a million times better.

I'll come back to it someday but for now, I'm going to focus on the DS vanias as they look a lot more fun.

Reviewed on Aug 06, 2023
