Overrated I’m not a fan of Metroid or Zelda type games I just find them kinda boring with not a lot of stimulating content and backtracking is generally a pain
Fortunately sotn has fast travel which hurts less but kinda loses me when it comes down to its challenge since it’s pretty easy to abuse spells and gets tiring of killing the same enemies with the same attacks down the same hallways
It’s more fun to move around and play it casually admiring its art and music than take it seriously as a game that actually tests you like the previous Castlevania games before it so if you’re not gonna give me a challenge or opportunity for self improvement then you may as well let me play around with its various mechanics and see what kind of cool things I can do so it’s enjoyable for that reason but does eventually get boring

Reviewed on Apr 01, 2024


2 months ago

Do you know you can write in sentences?

2 months ago

No, I don’t know what sentences are. What are you talking about?