Second playthrough.
The first time I played New Vegas back in 2016, I thought it was a janky, uninteresting piece of trash so I uninstalled it. I was pretty young and dumb back then. This game is indeed, very janky when it comes to gameplay. But mods fix that just fine.
When the word "role-playing game" comes to my mind, Fallout New Vegas is the most prominent title that I remember. In every sense of the word, this game is an RPG and an absolute masterclass at that. The character writing, the main narrative, side stories, environmental storytelling and many more aspects of this absolute gem of a game are executed perfectly.

So many flaws!
But none of that has managed to prevent me from calling Dragon's Dogma one of my very favourite games. I feel a sort of spiritual connection to this game, I swear.

Surely one of the best games I've played. However, I'm still somewhat reticent to call it a masterpiece. Everyone speaks of how great of a game Elden Ring is, so I'll talk about what I found to be somewhat disappointing.
Many boss fights didn't feel as good as Sekiro or Dark Souls 3. Some weapons are unbalanced, just like some enemies, bosses and builds. Some weapons scale very poorly. The reused assets are sometimes very apparent. Optional dungeons tend to have repetitive boss fights.