"No one can change the past. The only thing we can do is strive to make up for our mistakes. Why must we make up for our mistakes, you ask? Because in doing so... we can find the way back to our path. And once we've found our path, we can move on from our past mistakes toward a brighter future." -Phoenix Wright, Rise from the Ashes

The Ace Attorney series is about a man named Phoenix Wright and his tales as a defense attorney. The series has always been known as a non-gameplay heavy series, and even so, it is still a series I would recommend you pick up story-wise.

However, because of that, I would quickly run out of things to say if I were to just talk about this game in general. Thus, I will talk about each of the cases as well rank them based on how much I liked them.

First Turnabout- Phoenix defends his troublemaker friend after he is accused of murder.

Not really much to say about this one. It does a somewhat good job introducing the characters and world of AA, but gets outshined in that regard by the next case. The main problem is that it's extremely short, like you can beat this case in 5 minutes. It's good at explaining the main mechanics though. Ranking: 5th/5th

Turnabout Sisters- Phoenix defends the younger sister of his mentor while facing off against his childhood friend, Miles Edgeworth.

Now THIS is where the game starts to kick things off. Introducing important characters, setting up a big plot point that would become important later on in the game, this case sets the expectations of what you would come across in the series. It's also pretty short, but not 5 minutes short like the previous case. The one I really dislike about this case is how they shove Phoenix into the backseat to explore some of the other character's lore for the rest of the game. Ranking: 3rd/5th

Turnabout Samurai- Phoenix defends an actor on a kid's show who is accused of killing his co-star.

Not every case in the series is going to be some insane lore-building case, so sometimes you'll get filler cases like this one. That doesn't mean they're all bad though. This one is alright, it doesn't have anything too crazy in it. Unlike the two previous cases, this case's problem is that it's too long. It has three days of trials and investigations, which add up to six segments, which is especially long for a filler case. But I still think it's more interesting than the first case. Ranking: 4th/5th

Turnabout Goodbyes- Phoenix defends Edgeworth while also investigating an incident 15 years ago that turned Edgeworth into a cold and cruel prosecutor.

Now this is PEAK right here!!!! Having Phoenix face against his childhood friend-turned-rival's tragic past to thank him for being the reason why he is now a defense attorney. Standing up for Edgeworth when no one else will because he did the same for Phoenix, even though it meant going head-to-head in court against a man who could be considered the greatest prosecutor in the world. Yuuuup, that's peak yaoi right there. It's the same length as Turnabout Samurai, but it doesn't feel like it's too long. In my opinion this case is one of the best in the series. Ranking: 1st/5th

Rise from the Ashes- Phoenix defends the Chief Prosecutor with the help of her sister while also investigating a case that happened 2 years ago that's strangely connected to the case at hand.

Originally, Ace Attorney got it's start on the GBA, but when it was ported to the DS, this case was added to make use of some of the aforementioned handheld's features. In terms of writing, I think it's on par with Turnabout Goodbyes. But while Turnabout Goodbyes had the cases before it to create a build up for it, Rise from the Ashes doesn't have that. It's just a standalone case, so it doesn't have much of an impact like it's predecessor. I also hope whoever designed the jar puzzle was fired and banned from ever working on a video game again. Ranking: 2nd/5th

Talking about the game in general, the soundtrack is alright and characters are pretty good (Edgeworth is my favorite AA character for future reference). I also liked how the game being non-gameplay heavy makes it easy for anyone to pick this game up and enjoy (except for that jar puzzle, that shit sucks ass). As mentioned before, I don't like how they just shove Phoenix to backseat to expand on other character's lore (a common problem this series has). But, overall, yeah this game was pretty great and I'd recommend it if you like story driven games.

Reviewed on May 13, 2024
