Yep, this is a classic awful Bethesda game. Janky, poor performance, terrible gameplay, nonstop garbage collecting. Stupid story. Ugly, horrible graphics. Music is nondescript. One of the worst intros I've ever seen in a game, wow I'm shooting rocks and jumping around pointlessly while NPCs talk! Every character is horrible and lifeless. If you like eating garbage like a sewer ape that doesn't deserve to live, you'll love this. If you are a human being with a divine soul, you will hate this game. I only played it because it came with my GPU.

Reviewed on Sep 06, 2023


8 months ago

The beginning of your review sounds like new Vegas and I love that game because of the jank. But FO4 in space would be lame because I dislike FO4

7 months ago

divine soul gamers rise up