I consider Body Harvest one of the hidden gems of the N64 library. In a way, it was the providence of 3D GTA games since its development studio was comprised of eventual Rockstar staff and some of the concepts and mechanics from GTA games can be found in this title such as open-world environments, being able to switch vehicles, weapons, etc.

Now truthfully the game is very rough in terms of performance, controls, and overall physics, but its premise and level design are very good and very engaging to keep playing the game. The player is tasked with defending earth from an alien invasion through different periods of time starting in the early 1900s all the way to future times. Levels have corresponding environments and vehicles that pertain to their particular eras which is a cool touch.

Despite the clunkiness in the controls and performance, Body Harvest has a fun and silly design concept and gameplay that stands out and provides an unique experience.

Reviewed on Sep 16, 2023
