Perfect Dark is an overall improvement of GoldenEye 007 in about every category. The 'wow' factor and the influence that GoldenEye created upon its release is obviously not as big in this game but nevertheless Rare were able to, once again, craft an incredibly polished game that set the quality bar very high for its time.

The ambition in Perfect Dark goes all across the board with a more complex (and at times silly) storyline, tons of weapons featuring alien technology, improved graphics and setting (expansion pack required), and a more robust local multiplayer mode with more options and a hint of nostalgia (Complex level from GoldenEye to remember the good old times with friends). While Perfect Dark won't ever carry the influence weight that GoldenEye did, it created a fun environment for console first-person shooter fans with yet another unforgettable local multiplayer mode for the ages. Well done Rare, for this was one of your last masterpieces before the Microsoft buyout.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2024
