Perhaps my most played Kirby game of all time, this game is basically a coop boss rush of sorts that teams up to four Kirby players with different abilities to take on said bosses. You can level up the different classes of Kirby characters and get different weapons and suit upgrades that will help you with harder boss battles.

This is a free to play game that deals with this mechanic fairly well in the sense that you can get a decent amount of playtime before really having to consider start paying. Paying will allow you to have more apples which you can then use to faster upgrade your weapons and items saving you time. Since I was having a ton of fun with the game I decided to pay the highest tier to get all the apples and don't really regret it considering I put over 30 hours of gameplay time so it was well worth it.

Reviewed on Jul 22, 2022


1 year ago

Did they ever improve the frame rate? I remember thinking the game felt really gross to play at launch

1 year ago

@leo0 I don't recall the frame rate being an issue at all when playing solo. However, when playing online with other people the game can slow down considerably due to the internet connection of the other players, it's not so much a performance issue of the game but rather an internet issue based on the other's people connection. But the short answer is that yes, the slow screens during online mode still persist (or at least they did back when I played this game).