RE:CV is an interesting main line title that started as a Dreamcast exclusive and trickled its way to other systems eventually.

It introduced a couple innovations for the true and tried RE formula in the form of 3D characters and backgrounds, as well as dynamic camera angles with limited movement for certain areas/rooms of the game. The game villain(s) were certainly interesting and fit the wackiness of the RE series to a certain extent. Setting was interesting and it was fun to have the Redfield siblings as integral part of the story and setting.

One thing to note is that I felt this was more challenging than other RE classic games and will truly test the ability of the player to ration ammo and health items throughout the game (especially early to mid-game). All in all, RE:CV is a solid classic RE games but doesn't offer any major standout moments or gameplay features found in other games.

Reviewed on Aug 01, 2023
