I finished this game like 4 months ago and never bothered to review it or even put much thought into it. I think this game is probably the biggest culprit on why “more is less” is contributing to the downturn of AAA games, there is just way too much pointless crap this game is filled with and most of the time it never justifies its inclusion. Why would I want to constantly return to my hub cantina just to do pointless stuff like plant flowers on the roof, or find fish in the open world to make my cantina aquarium looking nicer? This stuff doesn't really add anything to the game, it's just more crap to fill the giant empty world the game replaced the interconnecting metroidvania maps with. These giant open worlds are not fun to explore and are a pain in the ass to traverse mostly because I get so fucking bored going from point A to B because they decided to use some of the most Star Warys looking planets imaginable.
You can’t even use the “Oh but the open maps looks breathtaking with our new 9th gen hardware” YOU CAN’T BECAUSE THE GAME LOOKS AND RUNS LIKE SHIT. It runs like a ps3 game for most of the game and the load times in and out of building is atrociously slow, almost all the of lighting gets fucked in enclosed spaces and I had numerous crashes over the course of the game. I genuinely believe the reason why this game wasn’t being ported over to 8th gen was because when they added the giant open worlds that ballooned the amount of power required for the game to have and made it nearly impossible to port to 8th gen, which would be fine if the game even ran well on 9th gen hardware which it doesn't. I don’t even wanna hear someone say “oh it’s just early into our new gen so it’s not gonna look great” WRONG SIR WRONG. Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart, Dead Space Remake, Returnal, RE4 Remake and The Callisto Protocol all look more current gen then Jedi Survivor, and if you wanna pull out the “oh it’s an open world game that takes more power” card; Elden Ring, Tears of the Kingdom runs at a more stable ramerate and it runs on a fucking toaster, and even Hogwarts Legacy for as shit that game is; it at least had a stable framerate in it’s open worlds. There's no excuse for this game to look and run like dogshit on both PC and consoles.

Oh yeah the game also had a story, idk I thought it was mid. This game didn’t have the same writer as Fallen Order since Chris Avalon got outed as a sex pest; say what you will about Avalon as a person because I sure will but he’s a fantastic writer; and his presence sorely missed. The drop off in character writing quality is strong and none of the characters really feel the same, they feel more like archetypes of what people expect them to be rather than characters who’ve grown old from this ever ending war with the empire. They all just seem very one note and bland, like almost every other big AAA video game. They also try really hard to implement High Republic era stuff into the game and it feels less like the writers wanted to put it in and more like someone at Disney told them to add in High Republic stuff since that’s what the movies and TV shows are gonna be centering around soon.

I think the only aspect that puts Survivor over Fallen Order is probably the combat being 10 times smoother and the different lightsaber stances is a nice addition, but like; I don’t really care for Soul-like gameplay. Soul-likes aren't really my thing so I wasn’t really playing Fallen Order or Survivor for their gameplay, more so I was playing to see a fun story in the Star Wars universe. (back when I still cared about this IP) Now the story and characters are bland and one note and I could give less of a shit about Star Wars as a whole so yeah.

I don’t know if this game genuinely sucks or I’m just being a negative nancy because I’ve become apathetic towards Star Wars as a brand, but the game left me feeling nothing and mad that I waste my time even 4 months later, and I’d argue that’s being bland and forgettable is worse than being just bad.

Reviewed on Oct 03, 2023
