It's so weird to have actually played a Postal game that is
1; Not janky as fuck
2: Not glitchy as fuck.

I mean this honestly when I say that Postal Brain Damaged is one of the most fast-passed shooters I've had the pleasure of playing in some time. Granted not everything is perfect, a lot of the jokes in this are references that will absolutely age like milk (one of the bosses is literally just Covid), but that's just Postal in a nutshell, some of the jokes will land and other will fall flat. I love the simplistic pixelated style the game goes for, I love how since this is The Postal Dude's dream a lot of the stuff in the levels will have symbolism of how The Postal Dude sees the world; it's not deep or on the same level as Psychonauts but it's a nice touch they really didn't need to add.

This game was a joy to play and it's definitely one I'm gonna come back to later.

Reviewed on Jun 13, 2022
