Going into this I really wanted to see this as the underappreciated self-aware violent snuff film game that I've heard people say it is, and indeed it is that.

I understand and get what the devs were trying to go for with the aesthetic, tone, and visual presentation; but that still doesn't stop it from playing like actual shit, and no I don't think the devs purposefully made the controls play like shit to fit it in better with the rest of the game; I just think it was a look and nothing more.

Also it's really cool how you've made a cover-based third-person shooter and you somehow made the cover do fuck all, making the game 10 times harder then it needed to be. Thanks a lot for that.

The nicest thing I can say about this game is, that it's not the worst third-person shooter I've ever played, and that its aesthetic and visual presentation is a pretty good; but I've seen it done better in other games (Manhunt). Can't really say I've wasted my time since for as shit this game can be at times, it's a game I will never forget, for better or for worse.

Reviewed on Sep 15, 2022
