Not as good as the Zeebo version. smh

RE4 is to me an almost perfect game with an insane amount of replayability and a fantastic combat system. So when I heard that a remake was being made I was insanely skeptical since besides new graphics and I guess a new third person shooter system it holds up extremely well.

That being said, this game was outstanding. They took the core skeleton of RE4 with the basic story and it’s cast of characters and branched off into something wholly different; with new gameplay additions that enhance and complement the arcade gameplay loop, but still reminiscent of the original game’s system to create something that is “old” and new; I love that. It’s pretty much exactly what I want out of a video game remake rather than just the exact same story characters, levels, and even game, just with a new coat of paint like Spongebob BOBBR or the Crash N-Sane remakes.

With all that being said I still don’t think this remake will replace the originale in my eyes because for outstanding as this game is it still didn’t capture me the same way the originale did. Which I guess you could say the remake failed in what it was trying to do; which was to replace it, but I disagree with that. This wasn't a GTA definitive edition type of release where Capcom delisted all original versions of RE4 just so they could make the most money off of the new version, this is a new version of the game just with a new vision behind it. I don’t think anything will replace RE4, that game was lightning in a bottle and is near impossible to recreate. I mean just look at Shinji mikami’s work after RE4, all people did was try to make their own RE4 and none of them got nearly as good as RE4’s reaction. What I’m saying is nothing will dethrone RE4 in my mind, but this remake is a fantastic game and you should 100% play it, but also play the original too.

Reviewed on Apr 01, 2023
