As someone who played Hitman 2 and thought it was great, I went to this with hesitation mixed with excitement, and I came out dissapointedddddddd kinda not really; my feelings on this game are all over the place.

At the core of this game, it's basically Hitman 2 with more maps. Now that's not necessarily a bad thing because Hitman 2 was a great game, but 2 years of development and the only new thing you added was a camera and barely anything else.
If I can't give COD for making the same game over and over again I can't do the same for Hitman 3, that being said this game is still good.

I thought the maps were fun to explore, I liked all the cool kills you can do, and the game looks really good; I wouldn't call it next-gen but it still looks pretty good.
The only thing I have a problem with is the story.
If you told me the best part of this game was its gripping narrative I'd like to know what crack you're smoking and where I can get some because you would have to be as high as a kite to actually give a shit about this game's story.

Overall a really good Hitman game, not the best in this new Remake trilogy, still not the worst hitman game, I'm looking at you Hitman: Sniper, I don't care if you're a mobile game you're still a dumpster fire

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2021
