Def gets stale quickly but the roguelike elements and fun gameplay can make the game enjoyable in small doses.

My personal pinnacle of the COD franchise. The gunplay is fantastic, the UI and style of the game is clean and not cluttered, the campaign is interesting and tells a wonderful story with a lot of gameplay variety. The only real miss is the zombies, but along with some of its missed potential it brought some of the best maps in the franchise.

My 2nd Fire Emblem game after 3 Houses, and my definitive favorite. The pair up system allowed for virtually any unit to be good and allowed you to break the game, while still being fun enough on hard and lunatic to warrant complex strategies and decision making. The characters were fun and the support system felt fully fleshed out, and while the story was a bit generic, it was still an enjoyable ride with some really hard hitting moments.

I could rant about the balancing, or the weird dev team with weird changes, but the game still has a lot of charm to it, with the amount of killers and survivors, licensed and original, and the amount of build variety you can have with your characters. Still an enjoyable game to play, but best steer clear if you don't know how to deal with toxicity.

The game's story isn't necessarily the deepest, but makes up for it with the huge amount of customization, endless replayability both in base game and with mods, and charming humor. A solid pick both with and without friends and super enjoyable.

The only Splatoon game I managed to sink a bunch of time into, but I really enjoyed it. The base campaign wasn't for me, and I never delved super far into ranked, but turf war was super fun to play, I love the style and character designs, and Octo Expansion was an absolute treat.

Definitely felt rushed coming from FNaF 1, and isn't as great as people say it was. The withered designs were solid, but the Toy designs still had issues. The cast of characters felt very samey, and the story telling was ok here but just wasn't as good as the first game. The music box was a terribly implemented mechanic and so was the mask. All in all a whole bunch of wasted potential.

Iconic main character design, ok gameplay, decent atmosphere. Should've been the end of the franchise but we can't always get what we want. Of course it was ok but it's hard to settle for "just ok" in a lot of departments.