
Outer Wilds is a wonderful autonomous space exploration game, takes place in a collapsing solar system. Your mission as the newest member of the Outer Wilds Ventures space program is to travel and visit the Nomai ruins dispersed throughout the solar system and decipher their messages using your brand-new translation technology. Unfortunately, you only have a short time before the solar system implodes.


Outer Wilds, a game about a time loop ending in a supernova is a story that relies primarily on its intriguing scientific discoveries and nonlinear plot. Discovering new areas of interest, gaining new knowledge, and learning about the planets, the solar system and the cosmos in the Outer Wilds will always make you excited.

Each gameplay run in Outer Wilds begins when you wake up on the day of your first space launch. From there, you have 22 minutes to explore the solar system before the sun goes supernova, annihilating all life in the region. As such, you must make each loop fruitful by learning more about the world and the Nomais, an ancient advanced race that supposedly went extinct for some reason.

The game uses the ship's log as a tracking mechanism to support its nonlinear nature. On the planet by planet map screen or through the rumor screen, you can view your ship's log entries. The rumor window is the most helpful element if you want to take a closer look at what you've discovered thus far. Outer Wilds also includes a good conspiracy theory web, which serves as a story component, a useful portion of the game's user interface, and a mechanical set piece all at the same time. The web grows larger and more knotted as you gather more knowledge.

You must monitor a few resources, such as the oxygen supply and fuel levels in your jetpack-powered space suit. You must rack your direction and velocity while in space or on worlds with minimal gravity, or you may drift out into space. The game's three-dimensional movement controls take some practice to master. The game's autopilot function is situational, I'd recommend using it carefully as it can lead to you colliding with other objects if it is in the way of your destination.

Outer Wilds is a game that evokes the sense of curiosity that no other game did for me, the moment you learn something new or understand something that you previously weren't able to is an irreplaceable experience that no other game is able to replicate. You don't need to know or explore everything to finish the game but I'd really recommend that you do, the experience will feel complete if you do. The game is written masterfully even with its very unique storytelling style, everything will make sense once you have all of the information and understand them.

The music and soundtracks of Outer Wilds are truly something praiseworthy, they enhance your sense of exploration and adventure by a multitude of degrees. A lot of the music in the game comes from your fellow explorers and they are very beautiful to listen to. The soundtracks of different locations are very appropriate and immersive.

I almost cried at the ending of Outer Wilds, it was something really fresh that I hardly see in other stories and games, I'd probably even go so far as to say one of my top 3 favourite moments in all of gaming. And the DLC somehow manages to match its brilliance! But I'll talk about the DLC "Echoes of the Eye" in a separate review provided that I write one :).

Personal Rating - 10/10

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2023
