It's not terrible, just hard to appreciate. You see, typically with point and click games is to experience the story first and foremost, with having serviceable gameplay with engaging puzzles.

This game is not a point and click game, as you don't point and click--it is an adventure game. An adventure game with awful controls (though to fault of my own, as I was using kbm) and the most boring puzzles in the series. There was never really had an "aha!" moment in the game. It was either way too obvious or way too dumb of an answer that I had to look up the solution. The closest I've got to enjoying a puzzle was the rocks-and-canals puzzle, which was fun, just way too slow. Outside of the gameplay elements, the story was alright. But what's awful is the lack of good, new characters. Every MI game I've played so far has introduced interesting side characters with tons of jokes and personality. In this game, they're all pretty shallow and forgettable, except for Ozzie Mandrill.

Quick comment about Monkey Kombat: It's fine. I hated it at first, but after getting a pen and paper and grinding out monkeys for like 10 minutes, it was pretty easy. However, this is a great example of my previous point, where I said the puzzles were boring instead of engaging, especially since Monkey Kombat the most engaging puzzle in that game.

So what's good about this game? Like I said, I thought the story was alright. I like the theming of tourists taking over the pirate-infested seas. I do like the game visually as controversial as that may seem. And obviously, the returning characters retain their great personality (except for Stan), which every MI game has captured thus far, but it's much more impressive in this new 3D era.

Reviewed on Sep 30, 2022
