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SaintAlfonso completed Sonic Advance 3
I'd call this the best Sonic Advance game because it's the most consistent. The highs aren't quite as high but there's no stage that stands out as particularly bad either. The Chao and Buddy System didn't really catch my attention but there's no annoying gimmicks that interrupt the game play either.

11 days ago

SaintAlfonso completed Sonic Advance 2
I think this is overall the weakest of the Sonic Advance games but it's not entirely forgettable. Music Plant and Techno Base are some of the coolest zones in the series, and Sky Canon is easily one of the worst. The other four are forgettable. Every base is a side-scroller, which is annoying. I think they tried to correct for the original Sonic Advance being too easy but they did that by adding a ton of pitfalls which is just annoying. I'd say it's worth playing for the two highlighted zones I mentioned earlier, but I wouldn't recommend it over the other two Sonic Advance games.

11 days ago

SaintAlfonso completed Sonic Advance
Solid start to the sub-series that is the Sonic Advance trilogy. I actually think this game goes beyond the original Genesis games in some respects. The original games make you work and memorize the levels a bit before you can really start going fast, which is both a pro and a con. Genesis Sonic I appreciate how immediately accessible this game is but I think there's not quite as much depth since, ultimately, it's easier than any of the Genesis games. I still like this game as a quick playthough.

11 days ago

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