This game rocks man. Just straight fun. If you wanna blast through it, or if you wanna get into the high score aspect, there's a lot of potential. I will say that my one drawback with this game is that if you really want to get into the high scoring there is a kind of skill ceiling - at some point it's a copy monkey situation where you need to memorize if you want to get the highest score possible. But as a casual game, or a game where you and your friend take turns trying to beat each other's times and sizes without taking it to seriously, it's hard to beat.

Lots of the environments are pretty similar which kind of works out in this case because the game's progression is about getting bigger. You go from one room, to the whole house, to the neighborhood, and so on - just sort of zooming out. It's cool!

One final detail... I like being able to play as the cousins. Nice detail!

Reviewed on Apr 16, 2024
