One of the most unique games I have ever played but doesn't hit the good narrative beats of Kojima's previous work. Gameplay is addicting but over hated by a lot but it was really fun and the new tools you get keep your interest as you go along. The story is interesting and a spectacle to watch but the characters aren't grounded enough for me to latch onto them. Most of the cast feel like they represent a theme or idea rather than being actual characters which is really its downfall

Pretty decent hack and slash that lacks a lot of polish in every aspect outside of the acting. The concept behind the combat is actually really amazing and fun at times but it gets progressively ruined by enemies that just block every attack you throw out. The story is decent but really goofy at the same time. My major complaint is that they try to tell us that the blade used is cursed but nothing bad really happens with sword until like the end of the game and it feels like there was legitimately no negative effects of using the sword.

TLDR its a game that can be fun with its gameplay but its lack of polish makes you feel like it needed a sequel to be amazing

Decent as for Persona Spinoffs go. I'd argue P5 Strikers is more fun while this game definitely has a better story. My main gripes is that the game isn't hard at all even on merciless. It tries to create its own difficulty by having bonus requirements in beating levels in a certain amount of terms but while it does make the game harder to try and get it, it's not exactly rewarding or fun to do so imo.

Also the final boss is way too long

Decent anyway if it goes on sale but not worth 60$

Fun game that knows what it wants to be and doesn't overstay its welcome with the runtime. You pretty much know what you're getting into as a stylistic fun shooter. Only complaint is that some bosses are mildly annoying to fight due to the movement of the character

Pretty much the same as IS but with a really forgettable slog of a middle section that peaks at the start and end. The dungeons are more varied this time around but are somehow more annoying in my eyes. Also it shares the same problem as IS of having a party member from the Persona 1 crowd and they feel like a 3rd wheel to the narrative experience compared to the rest of the main cast

A really interesting and unique game for the time but for the modern day it has a lot of "JRPGisms" of that era. It has a really unique and good battle system but its ruined by the horrendous encounter rate (seriously just use an emulator with a fast forward feature). As said before the story the story is unique enough to stand out in the series but unfortunately none of the characters really feel connected like the rest of the series and its where this game ultimately fails