106 reviews liked by SamEboi

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Felt a bit over-hyped to me, the combat is basically a twist on MMO combat, which did not really work for me, just felt very clunky with limited strategy and more of just a stats check every battle. The story as well was very interesting at first but later on turns into a generic plot of friends killing god with the power of friendship while also forgiving the previous main villain that wanted to commit genocide just because he said sorry. The best part was just exploring the landscapes.

Xenoblade 2 succeeds in areas where the first game failed. The environments are gorgeous and diverse. The world building is much better, as is the general pacing of the story. As far as character's go, the cast here fare exceeds that of the original game, with most everyone being notable or important in some way. This game sells you on its world by introducing land conflicts, factions, politics, resource crises, and a central theme of human rights and what being a Blade means to it. Nia, Zeke, and Poppi are among the best written characters in the series. A lot of people see the surplus of anime tropes combined with the style and write it off, but it does what the previous game does so so much more better. Even the anime tropes have importance when you realize what became of Rex in XC3.

An intensely frictional experience that sometimes becomes too much to deal with (it is difficult to overstate just how much two of Rouge the Bat's levels in particular are frustrating) but ultimately ends up being an experience far more than the sum of the parts.

This game has such an infectious energy to it, such a cheeky sense of flair and personality, that its impossible to stay mad at it, even after Sonic falls through the level architecture on Final Rush for the third time in a row. Say what you will about the Knuckles/Tails levels, the Sonic and Shadow levels are fantastic fun: a unique platforming experience where you genuinely feel like you are struggling to control your character, just barely leashing their immense power. It makes for some annoyances, to be sure, but when you pull off a stylish run through a level, all those annoyances become worth it because suddenly, you are soaring, a high you can only appreciate because of the lows that contrast it.

The much-mocked story is one of the highlights. No parody fandub could possibly capture just how much of a riot this game's story is, it has the exact manic energy of a game made up by kids on the playground, leaping from tone to genre to plot with nonexistent restraint. It has to be experienced to be believed, and enjoyed without cynicism, without irony. Those without sincerity in their hearts will not survive contact with Sonic Adventure 2.

I love this stupid, messy, awful, brilliant game. I'll treasure my time with it. If I ever have to play Mad Space again I will snap my controller in two.

This game makes me feel like a speedrunner. It was a drug that I kept taking. Everything about it is awesome, except it does slow down in some levels.

The story is not amazing, but it does accomplish its goal. I like the message it gets across about becoming your own person independent of others and about forgiveness. Very awesome game!

this is just a game about how kirby is better than everyone.

The story is an utter failure. Making characters act utterly stupid for the sake of the plot is never a good thing.

The gameplay is a lot of fun however. The stages look great and are very fun to explore. Bosses are amazing as well, and Viola's gameplay is pretty different and cool.

It could have been a lot better and enjoyable overall, if the story wasn't this bad.

i want to fill tora's skull with lead

Xenoblade 2 be so good when u ain't got a bitch in ya ear telling you Xenoblade 1 is better

Reasons Why Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Sucks:

- A slow start that takes way too long to pick up
- An overabundance of tutorials that don't even do a good job of explaining the game's mechanics
- Navigation is often confusing due to lack of proper elevation markers
- Gacha mechanics in a $60 single player game???
- Menus are too clunky and slow for the amount of Blade management and customization that you'll be doing
- Story progression is sometimes tied to an annoying skill upgrade system
- Rex won't shut up about the power of friendship
- Tora is a creep-ass pervert who is a poor replacement for the superior Heropon Riki
- Zeke didn't get enough screen time
- Melia is not in the game
- Pyra's chest is too big

Reasons Why Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Doesn't Actually Suck:

- Combat is a major upgrade from the first Xenoblade game (once it clicks, at least)
- Side quests have been greatly improved as well
- The world is expansive and beautiful (Switch limitations aside)
- The music, bro...
- I cried
- Stockholm syndrome, I guess
- I would die for almost anyone in the main cast
- Definitely Stockholm syndrome

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