"There's always a lighthouse, a man, a city."

"Time... Time rots everything. Even hope"

Not the mind-blowing masterpiece I remember it was back when it released 10 years ago, certainly not the game it was famously advertised as either. I love a lot of this games ideas but it unfortunately never culminates into anything profound or meaningful like the game insists it is or comes together like the original Bioshock does. Its still a visually striking expierence even in 2023 with lots to admire on a presentation level and I do respect it for swinging for the fences. I guess now we know that Levine has a new game finally on the horizon that's seemed to have had quite a long tortured dev cycle like this game did. We can see what he's learned in a decades time since releasing Infinite and its DLC's. Will it end up like another Evil Within or Callisto Protocol? well your guess is as good as mine, but it will be interesting no doubt and I'll be there day one to see it regardless.

Bonus: that barbershop quartet beach boys cover was a nice touch though.

Reviewed on Sep 04, 2023
