Besides the fact that I absolutely adore this game's story and gameplay, The Last of Us Part 2 will always be special to me for another reason. I remember when this game first launched at the start of covid, my dad happened to be in the room with me. He wanted to see what this game that I had been talking about for months was like. I showed him a recap video for the first game and he sat and watched the first couple of hours of this. After, he asked me to not play any further unless he was watching. So for the next week, he would sit in the living room with all the blinds shut and just watch me play for a few hours a day until I beat the game. We were both incredibly engrossed in this game. Now that we are removed from the peak of covid and I no longer live near my dad, this is a memory I think back to often. These are the types of moments that I hope I will one day get to have with my own children. I will forever be grateful that this game exists.

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2023
