Log Status






Time Played

16h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 14, 2024

First played

April 12, 2024

Platforms Played


A nice little extension piece to the main story, new kind of weapons and new kind of enemies and I gotta say wrt combat, I had more fun here than in the main game trying to experiment on all the new weapons they brought in for the dlcs and prior to it. The story I'd say don't go with any expectations, that's kinda applicable with the main game as well. It was fun and the new area looked great but I have to say the whole Quen area for the DLC is horribly optimised for PC, I literally got less than half the performance I got during the main game which itself was pretty shaky cuz of my vram limitation. The area doesn't even look that different or improved upon compared to the main game if you ask for the amount of performance drop. All that said visually what an experience it was to pilot those airborne and waterborne machines, absolute beauty. Really looking forward to find out how much better the third game's gonna look in contrast to this. Also Sylens was literally one of the best characters in both the games. Lance Reddick was such a goat, gonna miss his presence not just here but also in John Wick and a potential Quantum Break sequel.