Screw rockstar for not porting it to pc, I was really hoping to play an official version of the game, but playing it on xbox 360 emulator was still a good experience. It's horrible to see rockstar selling the exact same game on ps4 for 2x the price of the game when it was initially released. I knew r* was lazy to remaster it but this game deserved it, like not just for visual and gameplay reasons but also like for enhancing the story experience by adding dialogues and character references from rdr 2 and make it a supplement to the sequel.

About the game, it's got pretty standard rockstar/gta style of pacing till Dutch's final encounter, after that everything is just near perfect. John's death has to be one of the most tragic and heartbreaking death in any video game, like all bro wanted to do was part ways with his old lifestyle and be a loving husband and a father, only to be cunningly played by the law.
But it was a bit underwhelming to see the fate of well fleshed out characters from the 2nd game namely Dutch, Javier and Bill. Dutch was one of the best part of rdr 2, he was a pretty complex and intriguing character with the best 'slow descent into madness' character arc I've ever seen. In this he's pretty one note and the showdown between him and John is pretty underwhelming, like him running off like that and finally jumping off the hill, the Dutch I knew from RDR 2 had a massive god complex to even think of doing something like that in his final moments. Had there been a remaster they could have added dialogues about him repenting about what his decisions did to the gang and everything but shame. Bill was just Bill but Javier was such an honorable and loyal person in RDR 2, he's the literal opposite in the original, cowardly, disloyal and almost giving away info about Dutch. It's like he's a different character all together. The showdown between Edgar Ross and Jack Marston was pretty underwhelming as well, felt like they could have added more dialogues and a longer cutscene with him and Jack, it just felt like a ? mission, nothing more. Their whole interaction could have been more fleshed out. Also the dialogues and voice acting in this game is not as good as it's sequel.
It might seem like I'm ranting about the game and hate it but no I genuinely feel like this was one of rockstar's best games even if all they do is making bangers after bangers, solidly written, fun to play with one of the most baddest characters ever and one of the best character death ever. Red Dead Redemption 2 is objectively the better game, but RDR had to walk so that RDR 2 could run.

Reviewed on Aug 15, 2023
