This game is really good. You can play as both X and Zero. In this game, I prefer to play as Zero. His moveset feels so dynamic and fluid. Its a lot of fun. I like all his special moves, except the dashing one he gets from Slash Beast. I like the little pause there is when hitting an enemy with him. Its so satisfying.
X is fine, but what really brings him down is that his weapons kind of suck. Most of the time, I'm just using the charge shot and maybe Storm Owl's weapon. I prefer the Plasma Shot over the Stock Shot. The Plasma Shot is just so satisfying to hit.
The Mavericks are all really fun as Zero, but they all feel way too easy as X. When you're Zero, you feel like you're really sparring with the boss. Its really great. X just trivializes bosses. They feel more like a formality, especially with special weapons. I did like how some bosses, like Storm Owl, Magma Dragoon, and Jet Stingray all have different layouts in their boss rooms. It makes them feel unique. I especially like bringing the ride armor to Magma Dragoon. I don't particularly like Ride Armors that much, but I think its sick to fight him with one.
The stages are all great. Jet Stingray's is the only one I don't like. Its an auto scroller but its not very long or hard so its whatever. I also don't really like the elevator in Split Mushroom's stage. I like trying to speed run Cyber Peacock. I like storming the trains of Slash Beast. I like the lasers in Storm Owl. They're good stages. I will say though, that the music in this game is pretty whatever. I don't remember any of it. The upgrades are pretty fun to collect. There's only like the one in Magma Dragoon's stage that I think is convoluted, otherwise they're fun to search for.
The Sigma stages are pretty underwhelming. The Sigma fight itself is great, but the stages leading up to it are whatever. They aren't very interesting or anything, just kind of there. It's a shame because it makes the end feel pretty anti-climactic. This game is amazing. I highly recommend. Its visually gorgeous and very fun.

Reviewed on Apr 29, 2024
