I wasted many hours on this game.
It’s simple. And hard.
Ur I played it so much that I ended up able to beat it over and over without losing a life.
See, this game is old school arcade stuff. Once you beat the last boss, the game starts over, but the difficulty is ramped up. It’s a never ending cycle.
Highest I’ve gone is ten repetitions.
I don’t know if it gets harder after every restart or not. I know some games of that type only do it with the first rep.
To me, this game is excellent. The sound of clashing abs ringing swords is actually pretty well done for a NES game. Obviously not accurate, but nice all the same.
The music is decent. Freedom of movement is unusual for a NES game if it’s age.
Might actually be too much freedom lol you can over shoot where you wanted to go.
Or accidentally jump too high right into enemy projectiles.
In the end, I found it rewarding just to know I did something like this. Even if it was the height of dumb lmao