I wasted many hours on this game.
It’s simple. And hard.
Ur I played it so much that I ended up able to beat it over and over without losing a life.
See, this game is old school arcade stuff. Once you beat the last boss, the game starts over, but the difficulty is ramped up. It’s a never ending cycle.
Highest I’ve gone is ten repetitions.
I don’t know if it gets harder after every restart or not. I know some games of that type only do it with the first rep.
To me, this game is excellent. The sound of clashing abs ringing swords is actually pretty well done for a NES game. Obviously not accurate, but nice all the same.
The music is decent. Freedom of movement is unusual for a NES game if it’s age.
Might actually be too much freedom lol you can over shoot where you wanted to go.
Or accidentally jump too high right into enemy projectiles.
In the end, I found it rewarding just to know I did something like this. Even if it was the height of dumb lmao

Haven’t played the game…but after reading the description…I just have to say…

G I G G I T Y ! ! !

Look, this game having an average rating of 2.3 is complete bullshit.
You know it, I know, even some little old lady in the Amazon knows it.
This game is epic.
Playing as a werewolf out to save the world?
“You’re goddamn right!”
Yes, it’s hard. Damn hard.
I have loved this game for years. And I have never even beaten it. Because it’s so damn hard.
But the action is tight, the animation is pretty good for a game on the NES.
Heroic werewolves are practically non-existent in all media.
Yes, it sucks when you are human. The answer? Don’t pick up blue Ws. Those will revert you to a human.
I just can’t even with you people.


Yes, this game is published by LJN. Possibly the worst video game company to ever have existed.
Yes, this game is a licensed property based on a hit movie. And we all know that licensed movie games blow.
Yes. This game is just that. A bad licensed game.
But somehow, I still love it. I shouldn’t. But I do.
It’s utter crap.
But I like the mini shmup sections. I like the bonus stages.
I like the “Oh shit!” moment when Jaws shows up in your screen as you are just going about your business racking up points and conch shells from the local sea life.
It’s a simple game. You go out, you dive, you collect conch shells, then o back to port to trade them for upgrades for your boat and yourself until you have enough to finally kill Jaws.
But as you are out getting these shells, Haws can randomly show up. And you have to stay alive long enough for him to get bored and wander off.
There is also a mini-sub you can get to increase your firepower and allowing you to survive one hit.
I’m tempted to give this game a higher rating, but I need to be fair. So I gave it 3 stars instead of the 4 I almost gave it.
Trust me, this game is jank.
But who knows? You might like it too

My favorite Street Fighter game. Well, toss up between this and SFA2.
I was glad to see the change up in sprite style. More in line with the Darkstalkers’ style.
And giving the characters more than one super.
Also introduced the world to the greatest martial artist in the known universe: Dan Hibiki!
It’s not very well balanced (Akuma will destroy everyone lol), but there’s some fun to be had in that.
I like that the boss depends on who you choose. That was a nice addition to the genre that is still underutilized.
Bring it!

Oh look, Irem made a shmup that isn’t R-Type! Is this a sign of the apocalypse?!
Actually, this is one of my favorites in the genre. The graphics are good, the power ups are wtf inducing.
Irem has had some misses, but this is not one of them!

Oh man. Where do I start?
Irem, I do miss you lol
From the minds that gave us the R-Type franchise, comes Metal Storm.
Possibly the first game on the NES to feature the player piloting a mech.
You jump, you shoot, you reverse gravitational axis…wait…what?
Yep, that is this games gimmick. And it uses this gimmick well.
It’s not just a platformer where you can walk on the ceiling, there are sections that require you to flip back and forth.
Once you get proficient at it, it makes you feel like a complete and total bad-ass. Like you could launch Rambo with a single kick to the butt.
Irem branches out from the shmup genre once in a while, and I’m glad they do.
This game is a gem.

I’ve played both the 2600 and the ColecoVision versions.
The ColecoVision is better.
It’s a simple shmup. You are basically a ship or something traveling via beams of some sort. You shoot and blow up bad guys. Or maybe you are the Badguy blowing up the good guys.
These older games are so vague, it could go either way.
It’s surprisingly fun.
I played this originally in 91, on my friend’s Coleco.
I was hooked on this and Keystone Capers.
This game is still fun.
Maybe not as much as when I first played it. But definitely still good.

I just gave this a replay for the first time in…well, it’s been a while.
You know what I discovered?
It’s still stupidly fun.
I just tried it out as a test and next thing I know, 40 or so minutes had passed as I kept trying to beat my scores.
It’s such a simple game, with simple graphics.
You play as basically a stick figure who runs and jumps and jumps some more. You can swing by vines if they are available. You have to jump over to obstacles, like logs rolling at you, scorpions the size of cocker spaniels, snakes, and use alligators to cross ponds while their mouths are closed.
It all adds up to fun.
I honestly didn’t think it’d be fun anymore. But I was wrong.

For a DS port, I found it pretty good. I think this is the game I bought with my DSi.
Not as good as the 360/PS3 versions, but as a DS game it was great fun.

I loved this game. Its Mario Kart battle on steroids, whiskey and PCP.
Fun maps, great insane cars, a clown with flaming hair for some reason…
Who could ask for more? Apparently fans could, but the games got progressively worse. Until Black. That was fun.
This one, though, has a special place in my memory card.

My first Gameboy game I got did my Super Gameboy.
Absolutely mad fun.
An improvement over the first NES game in every way.
I spent hours upon hours trying to find every secret in the game, abd it’s got a fair few.
Good memories.
Definitely one to give a go

Actually really fun.
Varied locales.
Sure, at the end of the day you are helping a rich old white duck get richer, but at least you have fun doing it.

This right here.
Yes, that’s right. This game right here.
It’s one of the greatest RPGs of all time. Not just JRPGs, but RPGs.
It’s full of whimsy, emotion, magic, science, knights, evil wizards, cavemen & dinosaurs, dark futures, hidden pasts, friendships, honor, love, despair, broken souls, healing glimmers, ancient evils, wonder, horror, and, yes, bad ass music to accompany it all.

I got this game free with my subscription to Nintendo Power and immediately was hooked. I can’t even say how many play throughs this got in the first ten years it was in my collection.
But it’s format is obsolete anymore.
It’s evolved. And that’s a good thing.
I still love this game, but it’s not what it used to be.
If you do se use to give it a try, opt for the Gameboy Color Dragon Warrior 1&2.
Not the SNES game with the fan translation.
It’s weird, but the GBC version is superior.
Thanks for the memories, Enix. Sorry you were gutted and eaten by Square. Rest in peace, old friend.