1 review liked by Sartorius

What an insane improvement over base XCOM 2 man. While I have grown a begrudging respect for that version after playing it on Rookie difficulty, I still heavily dislike how it plays on Veteran and above. However, War of the Chosen rectifies most of my major flaws. The new classes help combat the insane difficulty curve (particularly the early game) and are generally fun to mess around with. Using combat AP instead of chance for new soldier upgrades was ingenious, and some of the new story missions are dope as hell. Actually being able to play on Veteran mode without wanting to kill myself was a huge bonus as well.

Some minor criticism regarding this specific version of XCOM 2 is that the Lost (while incredibly cool in the first few encounters) can become a bit tedious in later missions, and I'm not sure if adding resistance members to Terror missions was the right call; they end up taking up a lot of time just to deal chip damage.