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1 day

Last played

December 20, 2023

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Can I just talk about how much of a pain in the ass this was to even download, make sure you get this game on the ps4 and upgrade! Not the ps5 unless it’s brand new!

Anyway… this is basically a bonus chapter to give the optional character Yuffie some additional backstory before her appearance in the next part of the game. She’s depicted really well, almost like a child on a sugar rush, but when things go wrong her reactions are so genuine it hurts.

The story is pretty short, and seemed to be an excuse to bring in some characters from an old FF7 Spin-off. However things move very quickly, it’s over before you know it and big moments about new characters don’t feel that impactful when I’ve only known them for about 4 hours.

The gameplay is ace though, Yuffies combat is so much fun, she’s a glass cannon, but can literally juggle enemies if played right. Her status as a ninja allows for some fun traversal, and the area design is much less drawn out than the base game, hopefully a good sign of things to come.

Before you even really play the missions, there’s a ton of side content, including a board game variation of the Fort Condor Mini game you can learn. It’s quite front loaded, as after this, it’s just a straight shot to the end.

I had a lot of fun, I didn’t wanna put it down to be honest. With side content included it’ll run you about 6 hours, which is worth the £15.. if you can actually get hold of it - 7/10