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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 4, 2024

Platforms Played


Season of Ice was the first attempt to bring Spyro to the gameboy advance, and in terms of gameplay, it worked. You collect gems, fight enemies and explore worlds by gliding all over the place. This is all there, and at times it's just as addictive as the console games.

However there's just so many things I cannot stand about this game, Firstly, the isometric perspective. I get why it's like this, but I died so many times due to confusing level structures and layering in a game where they want you to glide and charge everywhere. You can't see enough of the screen to see what's coming when the charge is so fast and your view is so crunched. What this leads to is constantly stopping, standing still and panning the camera, and then finally making the jump. It's a huge pace killer and flies in the face of the fast paced platforming Spyro is known for.

The levels are also huge and very confusing, they try and give each level distinct floors so you know where you can land, but all this does it make it hard to remember where you are when everything looks the same. When you complete any objective, the game loves to warp you away to where you collect the reward instead of just bringing it to you, and this always confused me massively when there's no map.

Outside of the main gameplay, the attempt at speedway levels are straight up atrocious and the top down Sparx shooter missions were passable.

It looks pretty good for the system and the music is very Spyro... it's just not fun, it's annoying. I understand this was. likely a hard transition to make, but this game doesn't stick the landing - 4/10