2 Reviews liked by SaturnDrills

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man, bad edngin

4.5 stars because I wish there was more unlockables and stuff, this game rules

edit: nvm it deserves 5

edit 2: you know what I wanna talk some more about it because I keep thinking of it. I really love everything about it. the gameplay is great needless to say but even the story is class, like reading into it and finding out what is going on is a great time and the game tells it in a really smart way where it doesn't ever feel like it just wastes your time with cutscenes and actively makes you want to find out more about the world the game is set in. the old school N64 ass voice acting is beyond charming. it really works great with the models too, I love the look of it all. I always struggle with defining what gives a game replayability outside of with roguelites of course, but this game sure as fuck has it. it's probably just a combination of the short run time and non stop spectacle of it all, it really feels like rewatching a great movie you love. the arcade style scoring probably contributes to it too.