The pikmin game with the most soul, Louie and the President really help make this series what it is. Time not mattering in this game gives it a different feel, but honestly makes it less replayable imo. Even though the caves are slightly different each playthrough, the core gameplay is exactly the same and there's no fun in optimizing your day count like there is in pikmin 1 and 3. Controls/mechanics can still be a little clunky, but much better than GC pikmin 1.

Electricity being instakill in this game makes yellows extremely overcentralizing. Every cave ends up being around 5 whites to get buried treasure, 30 or 40 purples to kill everything, and 20 yellows to deal with all the electricity. Everything else is filler (typically reds if there's fiery bulblaxes and 20 blues for water treasures). If electricity functioned more like it does in 4, with a slight stun and then death if you dont whistle, it'd be much better and allow for more variety among the elemental types (purples would still be overpowered though)

I'm not too big on dungeons, they're alright overall but IMO not really replayable. This issue persists in 4 where they return. Pikmin 2 dungeons are also way longer than 4's and can overall just become a slog to complete. The last area's dungeons just become tedious at some point.

If this game just had a go-here feature and the aforementioned electricity change, it'd probably be the best pikmin game. The AI for dispersing pikmin is also terrible in this game and makes it really hard to actually separate out your squad.

Reviewed on Jul 30, 2023
