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New Release Review:
This is easily the best entry out of the Resident Evil remakes. The game does a great job of balancing both horror and action with of course a dip of cheesiness. The gameplay itself is entertaining, I really enjoyed going around kicking infected villagers in the face while Leon said some cheesy one-liners. I enjoyed exploring the map and learning the lore of the village while doing the small little side quests for The Merchant which was a nice addition. The story was somewhat engaging with my only complaint being I wish some characters were fleshed out a little, especially Saddler who if I'm being honest is just another generic villain. Thankfully Krauser takes center stage as the villain for a certain amount of time which helps me forgive the generic main villain problem. Other characters such as Ada and Luis were super fun to watch and even fight alongside, making for some memorable moments. Ashley however was a stand-out, thankfully making her less of a damsel in distress and more of a partner in a tag team dynamic. Compared to the original, it doesn't land some of the same marks but the new and refreshing changes help make this remake feel completely new and familiar, and with those changes, there was nothing to cause me to throw a hissy fit. Overall it’s a fun Resident Evil game and I’ll say it regardless of the user score, I loved it and I personally think this is the definitive way to play RE4. Of course, everyone is entitled to their opinions so there's mine.

Side note: I finished the game right before the micro transactions and mercenary update which if I’m being honest just never really interested me but I’m happy they threw it in for the people that did ask for it. I do hope they add Separate Ways soon because I LOVED this Ada and thought the voice actor did a wonderful job making her mysterious and intriguing and I would like to see more.

Reviewed on Jul 07, 2023
