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1 day

Last played

April 15, 2024

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One of the very few times where a derivative work actually manages to surpass what initially inspired it.

The combat system strikes a great balance between simplicity and depth. On the simple side, you will always have the same three party members each with only a handful of moves and very low stat numbers to keep everything comprehensible. Using various enemy types and allowing for significant gameplay changes through equipped badges, Bug Fables is able to squeeze as much value as it possibly can from what first appears to be an extremely simple system, creating a satisfying array of challenges.

While other aspects such as the characters and story are weaker, they aren't the main focus. But they serve their role well enough by providing context and motivation for your actions throughout the game and never overstay their welcome.

Going into this game, I was expecting a more nostalgic experience that would scratch the same itch that the first two Paper Mario used to do in my childhood. But while the similarities between the games are apparent, the changes Bug Fables made were substantial enough that it felt far more like an advancement of the original Paper Mario games than a retreading of the same ground. And putting aside my nostalgia, I probably have to admit that Bug Fables is the better game overall.