As a snapshot of its era, Pentiment is fantastic and well worth a playthrough for anybody interested in history.

As a game, its a mixed bag. Pentiment is at its best when the gameplay is used as an excuse for exploring its setting, using murder as an excuse to pry into the conflicts, beliefs, and history of the town. But this is bogged down by a lot of slow walking which, especially if you take the time to explore everything, will often lead to a dead end (but still offers tidbits of info often enough that I don't want to just ignore them). So for those a bit more agnostic about the historical setting, I'm a bit less certain on whether I'd recommend it.

For its great strengths though, easily surpassing any other media I've ever seen in its depiction of the medieval/early modern period, I'll err on the side of positivity and say its worth a shot.

Reviewed on Feb 09, 2023
