Nintendo published this game, which they own, and then proceeded to do NOTHING with it after and made sticker star and fire emblem fates instead and if that isn't enough of a reason to nurture a burning hatred for mario idk what is

Reviewed on Jan 21, 2022


Imagine being a Golden Sun fan, all is pain.

2 years ago

everything hurts and it never gets better :(
Actually, both Nintendo and Treasure knew that they were appealing to a very small niche of a game that was originally only available in Japan and China and even with that insecurity, they decided to give it an international release, for me Star Successor is practically a miracle, almost that this game exists for the love of art, barely being developed by approximately 30 people in Treasure, the truth is that I find it touching that every so often Nintendo remembers these games, as it recently did by giving an official box art to the first game in the West.

Btw; God bless Mr. Iwata.