It's a pretty good game, but I didn't find it to be nearly as good as its diehard fans would you lead you to believe.

This is a Shu Takumi (creator of Ace Attorney) game, and as such features his great writing. However, that's where the similarities to Ace Attorney ends. I've seen Ghost Trick called "the secret best Ace Attorney game," and I think that mislead me on what to expect. Ghost Trick is not a murder mystery visual novel. Instead, it's a puzzle game with a fairly compelling story and characters.

It's cool, and I'm glad to have played it, but it didn't stick with me because I didn't really love the gameplay. The game has a very creative premise: you are dead, but you can influence inanimate objects, and you use these "ghost tricks" to prevent deaths of other people. Ultimately, though, these puzzles felt like I was just trial and error brute forcing them every time, and none of them were super satisfying to solve. I didn't hate the puzzles, but I wouldn't say I liked them. I stayed motivated to play more by the game's story.

Ghost Trick is a heavily story dependent game, so if you do plan on playing it, please avoid spoilers. There's a lot of cool twists and turns, and the conclusion is satisfying. It's not a story that blew me away, but it was good and enjoyable the whole way through.

Overall I found Ghost Trick to be a pretty good game. If I didn't go into it with the belief that it would be similar to Ace Attorney, I may have liked it more, so don't make the same mistake I did. It's good, but not anything close to a masterpiece in my eyes.


Reviewed on Sep 12, 2023
