Beyond me how people think walking in generic unreal engine 4 snowy mountain top forrest for 4 hours straight, finding a randomly generated cave and interacting with a world of lobotomy victims is peak fantasy. Also the composer is a sex pest too, sorry whimsical flute bros big loss for you guys.

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2024


4 months ago

I think you have a valid point, if the game came out recently. Because this game defined the genre, it’s rather charming going back and seeing how it all started. I also think that a lot of your points fall short because this game came out in 11/11/11. But other then that, nice opinion.

4 months ago

This is by far the best game of all time and I dont think it's close, but that's just me

3 months ago

@Teshena I don't really agree to be honest, Skyrim came out the same year as Portal 2, Mass effect 2, Witcher 2 and Dues ex. All of those games have great writing and voice acting, the scope isn't as big as Skyrim for most of those games but I don't think it excuses the absolute state the dialogue is in Skyrim. Also I'm not a big fan of giving games passes just for age if anything I think we should be more critical towards older games because they can't rely on gimmicks like fancy graphics or putting as many fads of the time in their games as possible , for example when I was younger this game had more allure to me because of the graphics and size but I never really enjoyed it and didn't know why, but trying to get into it again 6 months ago I realized its because I don't think the combat mechanics are very good, having to walk around for ages is really boring and the characters feel like they were written by someone with a salvia addiction which is a big problem for me because the main reason I play RPG's are for the characters. But yeah that's probably closer to a proper review than my real one, I didn't know these were public so they're mainly piss takes with my actual opinions being more complicated and thought out lol but thanks for actually engaging in it regardless and even though I sound very pissy I do respect, appreciate and understand your opinion.

3 months ago

@ScrubBotDiamond thanks for the feedback