Every once in a while I like to try a game I don't think I'll be into just for fun. Micromanagey space civ initially sounds like it'll have too many mechanics and things to keep track of to really be enjoyable for me. And that is absolutely true, but I still dropped a clean 20 hours in 2 days, if that says anything.

Stellaris is really fun but I don't understand about 40% of how things actually work, and I am not good at it. Also, I'm really stupid. I really really enjoyed the early game of space exploration, investigating anomalies, first contact, colony building, etc. Once the map filled up and the game turned to colony micromanagement and diplomacy (I'm never militant in these things) the game got to be a bit of a slog.

I finished my first game (got mollywopped by a big AI uprising within the last 20 years) and I have no desire to keep playing. I played a bunch of authoritarian science turtles called the Galaxy Brain Turtle Authority. My star systems were all named after sausages from around the world.

Reviewed on May 21, 2024
