Imperfect but infinitely charming. One for all the tiny bag fans out there.

Virtual On meets Choro-Q. Super cute, gameplay is fun, and the character and tank designs are fantastic. Tank World is a great concept but the lacking customisation and repetitive nature of battles let it down. The game could really use a difficulty toggle for AI since they put up no challenge, but really this is a game that shines most in local/competitive play. Worth trying for sure.

Kids/chibi version of Toshinden that tries something a little different in the name of simplicity but ends up feeling weird and awkward to play instead. At least the visuals and audio are nice, so it's got that going for it.

A game that's not only dumb but incredibly proud of being dumb.

I've never been so happy to die in a 3 car pile-up and subsequent explosion.


Maybe the most Amiga game to ever make it to the PlayStation? About as pure a euro shooter as they come, with banging electronic music, odd visuals, and a difficulty curve that's all over the place.

(Recommend trying the Japanese version since you'll get a bump from 25fps to 30fps.)