Awesome, awesome concept, with a pretty mediocre execution. Run speed is too slow in order to match dexterity-based puzzles, while those puzzles are the worst in the game, leading to very tedious and arduous puzzle solving elsewhere in the game. Genuinely a dash or run button would bring this game up a whole point. That being said, this game had plenty of other issues, mainly with its aesthetic and overall emotional attachment, as well as its difficulty. The aesthetic is very pretty to look at, but if I'm being honest, when you say that this game is made by a developer who worked on Limbo and INSIDE, you kinda expect more from the game in its tone. You leave the game feeling satisfied from the puzzles, but without an inch of emotion about the events that transpired from the ending - a far-cry from Playdead's classic games. The difficulty of the game is almost a joke at times, with the first 3 hours being very easy tutorial-like puzzles that ramp up at the last second to be enjoyable right before it ends very anti-climactically with no final boss to speak of. Overall a good game, but with a lot to improve upon in a sequel or DLC.

Reviewed on Oct 07, 2023
