As far as PS2 era horror games go this one is pretty well above average. I love the vibe and I think the game starts off really strong. My experience was kinda broken because I played half the game with invisible enemies thinking it was supposed to be that way. As a result I was low on supplies and didn't get good until way later. When I subtract the frustration stemming from that I think the game is actually pretty well designed and I liked exploring the mansion. The puzzles are generally not that complex but I'll take straightforward stuff any day over wandering around aimlessly. The voice acting is terrible most of the time but I found it really funny. Story is pretty whatever.

As mentioned before my opinion on the combat was undercut by issues with my third world PS2. However, I do think some of the chapter 3 enemies are really annoying. When they shoot projectiles it feels straight up unfair.

Reviewed on Sep 01, 2023
