I've not done the post-game but I doubt my opinion will change at all because of it.

This game is fine. Honestly, it's just a collect-a-thon with some easy combat sections interspersed. The boss battles are cool when they get slightly challenging. There not that much going on in the areas aside from some new pokemon. I enjoyed my time with it and wouldn't say I regret getting or playing it. I thought I might complete it at some point, but after seeing the requirements, no shot.

Pokemon has no reason to look or perform this terrible in 2022. It's the biggest franchise of all fucking time. I can only imagine there is someone really stubborn behind the scenes that is actively gimping progress, or they genuinely don't care about the quality since it sells anyway. I've come to terms with the fact that pokemon will be stuck in a shitty rut forever. Still sucks that getting a truly amazing pokemon game feels like a daydream when the potential is there.

Reviewed on Jan 30, 2022

1 Comment

2 years ago

You can only repeat the same overlong, tedious, toddler RPG tropes and systems so many times until people start noticing how you've been the same overlong, tedious, toddler RPG tropes and systems with gameboy advance graphics since 2002.

Pokemon just god fed up on its own ass and it's been cowmilk since forever.