Man I hated playing this game. Music was pretty good and some of the cutscenes are fun. That's all I can give it. My dislike for the game comes down to how Ratchet controls and the checkpoints. Ratchet feels so slow and I never got used to it. He cannot turn on a dime which makes maneuvering frustrating. This also makes aiming and shooting weapons a huge annoyance. There's some degree of homing on certain weapons but it's not forgiving enough. Checkpoints don't really take you back that far, but with enemies respawning and Ratchet's glacial pace it can feel like miles. Overall combat was not fun and nor were the levels. By the 1/3 point I was already wondering when the game would end which is never a good sign.

I realized while playing that most of what I remember from this series was from the 2nd or 3rd game. Apparently they are significant improvements over this game, but my experience here makes me hesitant to make the jump. Whenever I get around to them it will not be soon.

Reviewed on Apr 24, 2022
