This game has been haunting me since the day I beat it December 2021, and I just have to seriously sit down and pour out some of my thoughts...

It's really unfortunate how a game seemingly full of so much passion has the most god awful story ever. It feels like one giant sick joke with no pay off. The whole alignment system is a last minute shit droplet and the only saving grace of this game is the combat, exploration (for the most part), demon side quests and OST.

I wouldn't say I regret playing this game, because I don't know what I would've done without such an incredible soundtrack to listen to while doing the dishes or school work... but it really left a sour taste in my mouth knowing that none of the characters were fleshed out and how poorly written everything was.

Aogami and the MC Naho's relationship were the best thing story wise that this game had to offer. I see their relationship as something familial, almost father and son-like and I would've loved it if they touched more upon Aogami learning about humanity as a whole...

Honestly it really makes me scratch my head knowing that the people reviewing the story for this game thought it was GOOD ENOUGH to get released to the public... who knows maybe the story was a last minute effort in the development?? I don't even know man... I don't think anyone in their office chairs were clapping their hands from joy when writing this crap.

Also... one last complaint I have is that the dungeons in this game suck major ass and I feel sorry for the poor souls that have to sit through them. There's no soul or love put out in those dungeon designs it's like a pure rage fest at how boring they are.

At the end of the day I'm glad this game came out, but I couldn't help but want more... from EVERYTHING... It had so much potential and it genuinely breaks my heart at how it lays out the foundation for something awesome and fails at developing anything.

Reviewed on Sep 18, 2023
