va-11 nails what it's trying to do, showing humanity and the ways that people can connect.

the game nails everything it had to nail, primarily the cast. even the people i hated i came to appreciate the arrival of, sometimes even coming around to liking them. you get to know all of valhalla's regulars. jill's story of coping with and learning to move past loss and her past was emotional, the ending wrapping up her story in a way that really stuck, and outside of her own story jill was a fun character to play as.

the other aspects of the game, notably bartending and meeting jill's needs, are definitely secondary to the character aspect of the game, so they're understandably weaker and i can't bring myself to dock points for that. that said, the bartending part of the game can show even more depth to the cast, seeing the types of drinks people order and why. the bartending part of the game is really well done in that way.

it's a short game (i just took my time with it), but extremely fulfilling and memorable.

Reviewed on Jan 02, 2024
