Forgotten Land is REALLY good, holy shit.

Kirby works extremely well in 3D, especially with how much the game took advantage of the move to 3D. The world is packed to the brim with secrets and things to explore, making exploration super fun. The addition of objects also allowed for a lot of interesting and cool ways to interact with the environment. There were so many areas and moments that were really exciting and memorable to find and explore. Forgotten Land absolutely nails the core aspect of its gameplay, the world and the experience of exploring it.

The copy ability upgrades are so goddamn fun. They make a lot of the game a total joke, but Kirby games aren’t trying to be difficult anyway. The power increase from a copy ability almost always felt good, and the designs each upgrade had were charming and fun. It also didn’t feel like the upgraded copy abilities utterly trivialized bosses either, who were all fun and dynamic in their own way.

With that praise in mind, I have a burning hatred for treasure roads. They’re cool in that they teach you the mechanics of a copy ability and help build mastery, but oh my god there were so many of them. It felt excessive how many there were. They felt like a chore, something I dreaded having to deal with, even when going about them in small chunks. As well, some of the side missions in a level felt bullshit to figure out on a blind run without the game’s hint once you finish the level without finding a side mission. I know the idea was to encourage level replays, but I didn’t like that sometimes I’d be asking myself how I was supposed to figure out that the game wanted me to do something until it told me.

For being Kirby’s first venture into 3D (I think), Forgotten Land knocks it out of the park. Really excited to see how the groundwork Forgotten Land sets is expanded upon.

Reviewed on Jan 23, 2024
